Grandpa was a God-fearing man who loved nothing more than sitting down for a cup of coffee and telling stories all afternoon. I remember him always pulling out the Daily Bread after breakfast to read that day's devotion. I remember his Dutch accent when he prayed. I remember the light in his eye when he told stories of being in the Dutch army or of immigrating to Canada and living in a converted granary. I remember how when I got my eyebrow pierced he pulled me aside and told me I didn't need to do that to get attention. He often came home with new trees for the farm or some other little gadget he found... which often caused him to be in trouble with Grandma. I remember going to the cattle market with him and everyone knew him, he was an old time farmer. He loved it when people took the time to play Skip-Bo with him and he loved winning even more (and he hated when the last time I was there I beat him every game!)
Grandma was a busy woman who loved her family. She was always protective of us kids and wanted us to stay away from the pens and the gully... which is exactly where we wanted to be! I remember her pride in driving and getting her licence at 60-something. She always made roast when we came over and she always overcooked it... but it was always yummy all the same. I remember when she was upset at Grandpa she spoke Dutch so we wouldn't understand. She always hoped us grandkids would get married to Dutchies and when she found out Nolana's Dad was Dutch and she knew Nolana's Grandpa she was thrilled and immediately gave her blessing! I loved it when she made rockebrote (sp?) with Gouda cheese on top.
As much as I feel detached from all that's happening in Calgary I know I will miss them dearly. I shed a few tears when I thought that my son or daughter won't get the privilege of knowing these two people who I have so many memories of. This picture was from the last time I was at the farm. I saw them again but away from the farm and after Grandma was sick... and to me this is how I remember them.

Beautiful post!!! A nice tribute ;)
I am really sorry for your loss, dude. However, what a fitting tribute for two people who were obviously pretty rad. God bless...
So sorry for your loss. What a wonderful tribute. I pray for God to comfort and Bless in this hard time!
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