Since we've found out that I got accepted into Toronto, we also found out exactly when we'll be moving. My parents ended up selling the house in 24 hours and we will be officially homeless June 1st. All of a sudden there is a date and it's not that far away. We're in the middle of trying to figure out getting a place there, getting rid of what we don't need here, and figuring out how to get what we keep from here to there. Adding to the confusion is the fact that my sister's wedding is at the end of May and you have the makings of an ulcer.
Also, I have started working with Elections BC in one of their district offices, getting ready for the upcoming provincial election. Some nice bonus bucks but that means more stress for my lovely wife as she packs up the house without me.
So, we've been making sure we have people over, enjoying time with our friends here. The other night we had some people over and I tried beer-canning some chicken.
Daija has been growing like crazy and is so much more aware. She recently learned how to stick out her tongue and blow raspberries which she does frequently now.....
So the next few weeks hold more stress as we need to get where we're going to live down, so that many of the other decisions can follow. Another move for the wandering Ritskes family...
P.S. Did I mention that Daija learned how to read?
You guys are busy bees! I hope everything goes smoothly for you guys as you figure out the details, pack up and move! Exciting times for the Ritskes.
she looks big in that tub!! hope you guys are doing ok. mom and dad and i wanted to skype you while they were here but ... the wedding plans ate all our good intentions.
still... we love you and i've been thinking of you lots!
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