Negative: We went to the Public Health nurse today and Daija got her first immunizations. I now know why people are against them. They don't want to see their child in

pain so they make up some half-baked moral/medical reason why they are against them. After today I am ready to join their camp though, I'm such a suck and needles aren't my thing to start with. And of course Nolana gets me to hold Daija for it so she doesn't look like the bad guy and because I'm supposed to be tougher. But, MAN, they stick that needle WAY in and there's 4 of them in BC. I've never seen her wail like that..... except for maybe her 1st bath when Nolana was so worried about scalding her that she froze her.
Positive: She measured at 69 cm. For those of you who aren't up to date on your average baby lengths, that's in the 95th percentile.... for 6 month olds. 50th percentile for 9 month olds. She's a mere 2 months old. I am the proud father of the next Katie Feentra (pictured)
That reminds me of a scrubs episode...
Congrats on having a future basketball star! And her photos get cuter and cuter.
Oh, and the reasons against immunizations aren't too half-baked. We have friends who's son was "normal" until his immunizations and is now 26 with the mental age of 2. So, yeah. It only happens to 1 in like a billion though.
No disrespect meant by half-baked.
wow. our babe is 65cm and 6 months old. daija must be just tall and slim! i think you just may have a b-ball star on your hands! oh, and those needles do go WAY in. it's hard to hear them cry after that. aria was SSSOOOO angry and i'm glad she won't remember them. ;)
"They don't want to see their child in pain so they make up some half-baked moral/medical reason why they are against them"
hmmm...I may have a thing or two to say about that. But I won't. ;)
I'm glad you girl is happy, healthy and GROWING!
After reading it, I thought you might...
Like I said, no disrespect.
No offense taken at all! To each their own, right? ;)
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